Get to Know Claire
I was first introduced to the world of alternative healing and acupuncture after a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis at age 22. Going to see my first acupuncturist changed my life.
Eventually my thoughts were consumed with trying to figure out how the process worked, and my path began to take shape. I went to graduate school here in Chicago, receiving my Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
In May 2009 I opened Magnolia House in Logan Square. Soon thereafter I began to feel that there was a deeper energetic component missing from my practice, something Acupuncture and TCM couldn’t provide. Serendipitously, I was introduced to the beautiful energetic healing system of Sourcepoint Therapy™, the concept of the Blueprint, and how to assist my clients connect with and transform into their highest potential, physically, energetically, emotionally.
I began this journey trying to help heal myself. While it doesn’t work quite that way, I know how much value I receive from being able to help others on their healing journeys, introducing people to different modalities and ways of thinking about pain, loss, life and how to live with it at all. When a client comes to me and has chosen to be vulnerable and ask for help, it is a true honor and I treat all of our sessions as such. Healing isn’t always a fast process: your mind and body often have completely different ideas of what that means. To our minds, ‘healing’ is often completed when we no longer feel the pain. But the pain can be much deeper than we are consciously aware of. While I listen to your words I am also always listening in to what your body is communicating. My work isn’t about “fixing” you but to help facilitate your own healing by holding space and help guide your body and mind through the process into your fully integrated transformation.